

How much do I love the way his eyes shift between brown and blue?  A WHOLE LOT. John Watson, doing hazel eyes right.

Are they hazel though? I mean, I always assumed the brown was a trick of the light and that they were dark blue. (HAVE I BEEN GETTING IN WRONG IN FIC ALL THIS TIME??)

Yeah, y’all can go on and on about BC’s eyes and how magical they are, I’ll be over here puzzling a more subtle magic. 🙂

Yep, that’s pretty much how you can tell when they’re hazel, when they change like that.  There is in fact a perfect moment to get a nice close look, in Blind Banker when John is peering through the mail slot!  They quite look brown then, but you can see what’s going on with his irises.

BC does have lovely, striking eyes, but can they go all wide and look like they’re soulfully reflecting the entire world at once?  I think not.  AHHH JOHN C’MERE YOU. <3

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