i love this so much.
the black girl’s hair omg <3 <3<3
#Just spent the whole time going ‘Boobs! BOOBS! Boooooooobs! Boobs.’
I felt this needed to be on my blog again! Especially with all those, ” Hey Girls! Your boobs belong in your shirt thing”. Female anatomy has been highly sexualized in the western countries. Also used as advertisement parts. Just take a look at these women interacting.
yup needed this on my blog again too. I’m not even gonna put this under NSFW, because its too damn adorable and I love it to death.
god i love this
they’re all so happy and free and they’re just like ‘lol tits’
So much love for the female body in all its forms. If only we could all have such a good laugh about our breasts.
The funny thing about this is that the first thing I thought was, “Damn, look at her abs. That woman is in seriously good condition.”
I find it endlessly sad and hilarious that most men can’t even fathom something like this without freaking out or falling over with a nosebleed. For a homegrown example, I went shopping at Victoria’s Secret for bras a while back, and got to talking with the shopping assistant in the dressing room about working in a lingerie store. She laughed. ”Oh, god, women don’t care. Just whoop! Everything off. It’s fine.”
They’re just not that shocking when you live with them every day.