


So a funny thing happened last night. It just so happens that yesterday was my 40th birthday, and apparently today is thescienceofobsession’s birthday (happy birthday!), and valeria2067 was talking about being an older-than-average Tumblr fangirl. I commented “We need the fandom equivalent of the…

PrettyArbitrary here, soon to be 34.  I’ve been fanning on the internet for over a decade, but Sherlock’s got me writing like never before.  

Bluesrat is my non-fan Tumblr, PrettyArbitrary is my fandom Tumblr, but I’m fuzzy Cthulhu in both flavors.  You can find my fic at my writing LJ ( and on AO3 (  I sometimes art (, though it’s been a while since I produced anything new, and so far I’ve got nothing complete for Sherlock.

And remember:  age and experience mean you can write better porn.

It’s funny—I have always been the youngest in like everything I ever did, and Tumblr is no exception. I feel stupidly young in this fandom. I guess that depends on who you’re following. But sometimes feel like I’m too young to be in fandom. 😛

Yeah, some fandoms run young, some run older.  I’ve met a good range of ages in Sherlock fandom from their early 20s right on up through, but us old’uns seem to be unusually vocal around here.

Anyway, I’ve got no idea, I think, what age you actually are, but you’re intelligent, articulate, sensible, mature, and you have an excellent head for writing, so you could be pretty much any age you like, on the internet!  If it helps, feel free to totally forget and assume that I’m in my 20s.  I frequently do!

Red Deerstalker Society: A short intro to your mods

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