
Rating: G

Pairing: John/Sherlock

Author’s Summary: When John is 17, he wishes goblins would come take his annoying little sister away.

When John is 37, he wishes the Goblin King would come take him away.

roane says: Yup. It’s a Sherlock/Labyrinth crossover/AU. This may be a thing you didn’t realize you needed before now. First of all, just go read everything of silverpard’s. I’ve not read anything that hasn’t left me completely breathless and/or stunned. The way silverpard weaves in faerie lore and hints of the movie is just… man. I am a sucker for anything well-done that has to do with faeries, especially faeries in the modern world. And this is it.

Seriously: don’t let the rating keep you away. No, it’s not explicit, and no, there’s really not even so much as a kiss, but oh MAN, the feelings. GORGEOUS.

Oh man, it’s been a while since I read this.  Roane’s right.  If you pass this up because the rating is G and you think you only want the hot sexytimes, you’re a foolish person and you have tragically deprived yourself.  This is one of the best Sherlock fics going.  SO AMAZING.

Fic Rec: “Falling Down” by silverpard

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