


If you’re looking to show off your creativity and make some new friends in the Sherlock fandom, then you should participate in our very first gift exchange!

What is a gift exchange, you ask? Simply put, you give us any prompt at all and we’ll find someone anonymous to make it into a lovely fic or graphic for you! In return, you’ll bring someone else’s prompt to life, and you’ve got a whole month to to do it in. You keep your masterpiece under lock and key, and when the posting date rolls around, you’ll all have a wonderful little surprise!

If you’re interested in participating, find the list of dates, details, rules, and the sign-up form here. Alternatively, if you’re not too sure and have any questions, feel free to message us here. It’s all really very simple, we promise!

Thank you for taking the time to read this. We really hope you consider signing up! Don’t forget to reblog this post so that we can get more people involved! 🙂 

Signal boost!

I suppose I really need to make up my mind shortly on whether to sign up for this or not.  On the one hand, it appeals greatly.  On the other…I have no idea what to ask for.

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