I’m getting really tired of River Song.

I mean, no, I LOVE River Song.  I would like lots of her.  But I’m getting really tired of having her shoved in our faces as the Doctor’s “perfect match.”

1: Can’t she just be there on her own fucking recognizance, being awesome without having to be WITH somebody?

2:  HE’S 900+ YEARS OLD.  He had KIDS.  Which means a…spouse, or something (god knows how they do it on Gallifrey).  He’s probably been in love so many damn times he doesn’t even count anymore.  With, like, god knows how many species, or genders.  (I personally think he’s at least a bit in love with everybody he takes on as a Companion.)  He doesn’t even have the same damn personality from one regeneration to the next.  There is no one single Doctor, and there can be no one single Perfect Match.

3:  Are we going to be forced to sit through every show-runner’s personal Mary Sue of a Companion/Love Interest from here on out?  Rose was driving me crazy too, by the end (far more than River, actually).

Anyway, whatevs.  Sorry for the negativity.  Honestly I have to admit that I liked it best in Old Who, when he was so weird that you got the impression that however relationships worked for Time Lords, it wasn’t the same as for humans.  (I’ll save my ‘Can we have aliens that’re actually alien and not just humans with cool luxury options?’ rant for another time.)

I don’t care what anybody says about Daleks.  I’ll never get bored of the stupid little buggers.

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