
Author: rotaryphones

Title: Under Control (series)

Summary: You know John, I could hypnotize you if you really want.” What followed was an arrangement that John never thought he would be lucky enough to find, and never insane enough to accept.

Rating: NC-17

Warnings: Hypnotism, mind control, D/s, consensual kink, dub con

A wonderfully all-encompassing fic exploring John being consensually hypnotised by Sherlock. It is by its nature rather disturbing, yet the author handles both the issues of consent and the issues of trust and addiction brought up throughout the fic fabulously – it’s heartwrenching in points, and also disturbingly hot in others. The author has a great grasp on both John and Sherlock; the gradually building intensity between them is palpable and the mistakes they make and the way they work through them are so in character; Sherlock’s blasé attitude, John’s risk taking. Fabulously hot, wonderfully nuanced and really interesting.

Oh man, this story. <3  I went gaga over this story upon reading it (and its sequel).  It’s sexy, and thoughtful, and intense, and refreshingly new and different.  Lots of feels without ever entering angsty ‘bottom drops from your stomach’ territory.  Particularly a fantastic read for a day when you want something smart and weird and hot but you can’t handle the depressing bits that usually go along with those.

Sherlock Odd Fic: Under Control – rotaryphones

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