August 5, 2012

Yay questions! So, is there any subject, character, fandom, whatever you find very difficult to write about for some reason? About me: I live in Israel, and during the last war I was visiting a friend when an alarm (a bombing alarm) sounded. We were more annoyed about the fact that we had to stop creating Doctor Who characters in The Sims than actually scared…

Hmmmm! Well, I’ve read in a lot more fandoms than I’ve written in. I only write in a fandom when I feel like I have something to say or something…

Have you ever loved doing something that you later realized was horrible or cruel or harmful to others? Because I used to rope cattle, until the day I saw a calf’s neck get broken when the rope caught it wrong. One of the worst moments of my life. (This is professorfangirl, by the way, who is disdained to anonymity by every askbox.)

I’m sorry you had to go through that. 🙁 I hope it helps to consider that you never hurt any of them. As long as it’s done right, they’re fine.…

So after the glorious Cross Wired, what else of yours do I read, given that I like BDSM and twisty twisty psychological twistiness? And you need facts about me… uh I guess clause two of the question did that. I read those things, write those things, am those things.

You left out the bit where you’re an amazing writer, very funny, and have interesting things to say. BDSM and twisty twisty psychological twistiness; two of my favorite things! As…