
This fic.  THIS FIC.  JESUS THIS FIC.  What can I tell you to make you read this?  Because you need to read this.  And you should reblog it, to make sure all your friends read it.  Because you love them, and they deserve good things like this.  It is beautiful.  Epic.  Perfect.  Not terribly long.  And it is a fairy tale.  It is the glowing, jewel-toned heart of fairy tales.

John is half selkie. After Sherlock dies, John is so grief stricken that he takes his skin out of storage and returns to the sea.

When Sherlock returns and discovers John gone, he won’t rest until he finds him.

It occurred to me that I have many more followers now, and many of you are living tragically deprived lives.  And you DON’T EVEN KNOW IT because you don’t realize that this story exists.

I will keep reccing this fic till people start throwing rocks at me, because I LOVE YOU AND I WANT YOU TO BE HAPPY O MY FOLLOWERS.

(Also I have updated the link because the author put the full story on her LJ for easier reading!)

BBC Sherlock rec: The Prince of Aquitaine Before His Ruined Tower

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