
If you criticize the work, then you can change the way the work is perceived, and that can address some of the damage you see the work doing. If you criticize the man, you probably aren’t going to change the way he works, which does fuck-all but make you feel morally superior, and create steaming fuckloads of bad karma. You want to change the culture? Then talk about the culture—talk about the art. You want to change the man? Good luck with that.

Please note:

1. Just because you’re offended doesn’t mean you’re right.

2. Your personal feelings are not my moral principles.

3. Your feelings are not more valid, more moral, or more important than mine, just because you feel them more strongly.

Enough fucking said.

Wait, no, Professor, you missed one.

4. It doesn’t matter if you have been legitimately hurt.  That is not sufficient cause to lash out to inflict pain on others.

If you’ve been hurt, if someone’s acting like a douche, if you see a problem—you address the problem.  But you don’t attack them in an attempt to make them feel as crappy as you do.  That’s not self-defense; that’s revenge.  Revenge is not okay.  Especially not revenge on people who aren’t even the ones who hurt you.

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