

Now that I’m a master of CSS (snerk), I’ve been cleaning up some of my more formatting-dependent fics. A few folks have recently been reading through my masterlist, and I’ve recommended they give those fics a miss until I got the formatting tidied. So, er, an update on that.

Today I finished cleaning up Sherlock-the-Pooh (specifically, making the text/spoken sections easier to distinguish and getting rid of the damn smartquotes, argh). Of course, it took longer than anticipated because I had to keep stopping to stare at Livia’s illustrations, but I did eventually manage to tear my eyes away. So if you’re one of those who’s been waiting it’s all sorted now; just make sure to budget plenty of time to make mooneyes at Johnlet.

I’ll try to get “I wake up…” sorted out later today or tomorrow. That one especially will be about 400% more readable, oof.

… but seriously though. I know I have squee’d this squee before, but: Johnlet. JOHNLET. You see why this took so long. (edit: how do I make this not be a little grey square? I fail at tumblr.)

colored pencil drawing of Piglet as John

(… there’s a chance it briefly popped to the front page of AO3, too, when I tried to save a fake chapter to check the formatting. Sorry about that, if you saw it!)

Reblogged (sort of) to add: I wake up and I wake up and you’re still dead took almost no time at all, once I realized I could just use the same workskin. So that’s all updated, too.

… which means there are no remaining caveats regarding my masterlist other than the general-and-ongoing one in which I just shake my head at it and sigh.


I actually cease being able to say anything but JOHNLET whenever someone references Sherlock-the-Pooh or waves a picture of him at me.  Wren can attest to this.  She’s seen it in action.

Oh man, though, new-and-improved formatting on I Wake Up…!  I need to go reread that!

As soon as I’m done with this fic whose deadline is tomorrow.  

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