


theadorableordinary replied to your post: Nothing makes me want a jammie dodger more than…

I actually tracked them down at a grocery store that carries a lot of international foods, and bought them. Now I don’t know if all of them are like this, or it was just a bad/old batch, but they were the most horrible cookie I had ever eaten ever. I was heartily disappointed, because, I mean, jammie dodger. How could they be bad? But they managed it, I was so sad.

Noooo! Sadness. You’ve gone and burst my happy little jammie dodger bubble.

The truth hurts, yo.

You know what’s really kind of disgusting?

Jelly babies.

I was so excited because, like, gummy bears are a weakness of mine, but eugh.  I was heartbroken.

;_; I fucking love jelly babies.

Well, it’s worth noting that I find swedish fish revolting.  Which puts me in a niche position for the candy market to begin with.

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