

For toomerrymaiden, based on her prompt for the johnlockchallenges gift exchange:

“Our heroes are incarcerated somewhere.  Basic needs (food, water) are met but there is nothing to do.  Sex is off the cards (because that’s not where their relationship is up to or because they are not prepared to ‘perform’ for their captors).  What do they do to keep each other entertained/stop each other from losing their marbles. Any rating.”

I, um, nominally held to the prompt?

Actually, toomerrymaiden turns out to essentially get TWO fics, because bendingsignpost and I teamed up to do a collaboration.  I wrote one half, he wrote the other.  They fit together, and his also serves as a sequel to mine, and both our fics serve to answer both our prompts.

Read the collaboration on AO3.

PART TWO: for inspectahradio with the prompt:

Anything with a supernatural element would be ace for me, i.e. Vampire!Sherlock with John as his blood donor (or vice versa), Winglock, Ghost!John haunting Sherlock or something, etc. Kidlock would be a nice prompt too! Any rating.

Mine is on AO3, titled Final Hours.

Ben’s half of the collab is up!  Go read!  Especially if the first half had you sobbing your eyes out.

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