leftwingedmama replied to your post: BBC Sherlock/Doctor Who drabble ridiculousness

yes. please.

Yes, you want this meeting, or yes, you want Rory and John to be the same person?

“Well, there was that little cock-up after the Weeping Angel sent them back to 1938 New York, but the next day while River and I were getting sloshed on hot toddies, I realized that I could actually land in 1938 Boston and take the train down.  But SOME moron had nattered on in a book somewhere and got it published, so after I got them back, Rory and Amy had to change their names to John and Mary—not very creative, that—and we all moved to 1890s England so that Arthur Conan Doyle’s estate wouldn’t rend the fabric of the universe with the size of their lawsuit.”

And here you thought the problem was the temporal paradox!

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