

My relationship with arting…blah blah stuff here I already posted….When it comes to art, however, I have an image in my head, and an image on paper, and in a perfect world, the image on the paper (or the computer screen) would match the one in my head when I was finished.

IT SOUNDS SO EASY, DOESN’T IT.  HAHAHAHAHA.  Here’s the reality:  ”Arrrrrrrrrrgh I JUST WANT HIS GODDAMN SHOULDER TO TWIST THIS WAY, it’s a freaking LINE, HOW can it feel like moving granite just to make it go where I want it to?!”

This has been a glimpse into my arting process.  Because I know you wanted to know.

That’s…actually really interesting, because that second to last paragraph is EXACTLY the reason that I find writing so difficult – because I know that I’ll never be able to articulate well enough in words to get the image in my head across, as I could by drawing it. I do get frustrated because I’m never able to be 100% accurate but, I’d personally always prefer to be able get it not quite right in visual form, rather than in writing.

That doesn’t surprise me at all, honestly.  I’m pretty sure it all boils down to, “ARGH WHY CAN’T I BE AS GOOD AT THIS AS I AM AT THE THING I’M ALREADY GOOD AT.” 

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