Hey, m’peeps!  Remember that antidiogenes weekend write-or-die starts tonight at 9 pm EDT!  Awesome if you’re doing NaNo, or, y’know, writing anything really.  (Or editing, or arting.)  You can bitch and moan to people who share your pain and…possibly even get actual feedback or assistance, if you want it. 😀

Also, word wars are so amazing for helping you focus.

CORRECTION ON SERVER: IRC server: irc.fdfnet.net  Channel:


The Antidiogenes Club is running this weekend—and, if we can pull it off, every weekend in November! You know what that means: it’s copy-paste time.

In the spirit of fic_rush@LJ, which is, as far as I know, not running this weekend, may I invite all weekend warriors writers to The Antidiogenes Club!

Here are the rules:

  1. Write as much as you can over the weekend.

That’s basically it.

For my own personal convenience, I am defining “the weekend” as going from Friday, November 2, at 6 pm Pacific (see what time that is in your timezone, or check out the countdown) and Sunday, November 4, at 6 pm Pacific. (This is an extra-special round, because this is the weekend when those of us Americans what change our clocks change our clocks—and, as a result, this round will be forty-nine, not forty-eight, hours long.) At 6 pm Pacific on Sunday, I will post a wrap-up/word-count-submission post right here, on The Antidiogenes Club, and if you submit your word count via reply or reblog on that post, it will get included in our weekend tally.

If you want to play along, here is what you can expect:

  1. There’s a chat room: on irc.fdfnet.net, which will officially open at 5 pm Pacific Friday evening (it’s unofficially open all the time). Please feel free to come over and whine about what you are writing, how annoying writing is, how much more fun writing would be if you had pie/wine/a masseuse, et cetera. We are going to try and encourage people to remain on topic, but we are going to be interpreting “on topic” faaaiirly loosely. But basically: free cheerleading, over in IRC. *points thataway* (More info on using IRC here, care of roane72.)
  2. We also will be running word wars (20 minute intense writing blasts!!) over in the chat room every now and again. There’s no schedule for these; it’s pretty much someone says “hey anyone want a word war?” and then if enough people say yes someone scrounges up a timer. But these are a quick way to get super productive, super fast.
  3. We’re also queuing up hourly reminder posts on antidiogenes@tumblr.com, to ask how it’s going. Feel free to reblog or reply to let us know, and to commiserate with your fellow sufferers.

Last time, we collectively wrote 49,324 words in our forty-eight hours of writing. What do you think, can we beat it this time?

Any and all wordcounts are of course welcome, and if you participate at all, you will win both bragging rights and the official right to post a hideous sparkly word count graphic like this one (from the last round):

…all over your blog/apartment/pets/children/et cetera. o/

I’d also like to give a huge welcome-y gratitude-laden round of applause to our three new mods: ally-wonderlandhavingbeenbreathedout, and lux-obscura, joining in to help me fill up all four November weekends. (hbbo is modding in absentia this weekend, but shall officially join us next weekend.) Thank you, guys!

– fizzygins

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