prettyyeti (prettyarbitrary): Maz, if this lady knows how many men’s stalls the Trout has…
prettyyeti: I don’t even know.
persian_slipper: Maz, get Google Voice. Internet calling is free with them (I think)
Otter: If I uploaded the two takes, would people give opinions?
Nic: I must remind you that it is 2 am here
persian_slipper: Podfic betas!
Nic: the trout won’t answer atm
prettyyeti: Otter, two takes of…?
Mazarin: I’ve not decided
Mazarin: I may just email
Mazarin: and see what happens
Otter: A line out of Pro Bono
Otter: “I’m not a nice man, John.”
Lacuna: “Dear sir. I am writing a story about blowjobs in your establishment. As you will certainly understand, accuracy is my primary concern. Therefore, could you kindly inform me a) whether the gents’ is single-occupancy; b) if not, could two grown men fit into one of the stalls and gamahuche each other;
persian_slipper: ILU, Lacuna.
Lacuna: and c) how frequently, to your knowledge, this occurs anyway. Please advise quickly. Yours, etc. etc. —”
prettyyeti: <3
Mazarin: DIES
prettyyeti: otter, I'll try to give you feedback, but it will probably just be excited keysmashing.
dee: lacuna *lol*
Nic: has beathing difficulties. Tears may be involved
Mazarin: Oh God.
Aria: Ahahaha, Lacuna!
Mazarin: *clicks CTRL-C*
Mazarin: *CTRL-V*

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