

snogandagrope answered your question: Omegaverse Headcanon Question Time!

This bit: He enquires into John’s experiences of heat in graphic detail…exploring what…they liked, what they’ve fantasized about.

Ohhh! Yeah, I kind of wanted to expand on that,…

Needs to remember this and so it’s tagged. I keep fighting over the Omegaverse world building with myself. It’s tempting just to write the porn.


It’s totally okay to just write the porn, you know.  I mean.  Porn is why it exists in the first place.

God.  The world would be so boring if you just sat back and let us windbags write everything.  Won’t somebody please think of the smexings!

Obviously: prettyarbitrary: snogandagrope answered your question: Omegaverse…

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