
“You’re remarkable,” Sherlock suddenly whispered, lips right against John’s ear. His breath brushed flushed skin. “I think I’ll eat your HEART.”

Holy crap on a cracker. This FIC you guys…I can’t even…

The Loss of Flesh and Soul by Deuxexmyroft is an AU mixed with The Silence of the Lambs/The Red Dragon crossover. If you’re squeamish well read this anyway.

It. IS. AMAZING. Brilliant brilliant BRILLIANT.

I just have a thing for dark/possessive/creepilysexy!Sherlock ok???

Oh man I love this story so much I offered to beta for her.  IT’S PRETTY AMAZING YOU GUYS.  And MOSTLY it’s not too bloodsoaked, except for a couple of scenes of violence that are key to the plot.  It’s very cerebral, and obsessive, and crawls into all the really interesting dark corners of the brain and…gah.  I love deux and her work.

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