November 18, 2012

“If I met you in real life… I’d admire your birds and we’d have tea and talk about martin freeman’s bone structure and how there really needs to be a shirtless scene for him as well. We’d sigh about the pretty that is Sherlock, but agree that we wouldn’t tap that (re: a) He’s John’s and b) he has an abrasive personality). Then we could discuss the intricacies of human sexuality, psychology, gender and the sociological aspects of omegaverse.

Sounds legit! Martin Freeman’s bone structure is so awesome, honestly. It’s so classically Celtic, clean…

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Um, we’d flail over fandom/ fics and then drink and then concoct evil fic plans and then drink and then flail some more and then drink and then fall into the “I love you, man” stage and then flail some more and then rope more people into our drunken love fest and flail some more and someone would end up on the tables singing and in the morning we’d all be very concerned about photos of said party…? I dunno. :-)

Just so long as at least two people have notebooks, because I’m pretty sure the…

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