
Okay, so I’m in a bad way, bad enough that I’m starting to become actively alarmed.

Please rec me some good, absorbing Sherlock fanfic? Nothing too angsty or depressing (been crying enough lately without any help on that front) and nothing too goofy or crack? Just some solid, preferably long and absorbing stories that are interesting and overall uplifting and hard to impossible to put down? Think in terms of things like Chameleon or Verity Burns’ stuff or Performance of the Leading Role of Linpatootie’s Two Coffees? I could re-read some of those, and I might if I can’t find something else to run interference, but it would be nice to have something new.

Basically I really need to distract myself until whatever this is finally finishes having its horrible way with me.

Many thanks!

Oh god, I know that feeling. *breaks out the emergency stash*  

Here is a heaping helping of Sherlock recs coming your way!  What the heck, a bunch of these don’t get enough attention anyway; I’m hereby reccing these to everybody!

This is my safety list—mostly long fic since that’s what Mimi asked for.  These fics are all free of torture or rape (there may be explicit sex, but nothing worse than a bit of technical dubcon), or anything more graphically violent than your average Hollywood action movie.  There may be angst, but it is resolved.  They are all complete (no WIPs in here to mess with your head), and end on at least a hopeful note.

The Paper of His Skin, by teahigh – 4600 words, lurking on the borders of magical realism.  Dreamlike, a touch of melancholy, happy ending.

En Garde, by argyle4eva – 1500 words, John and Mycroft ‘swordfight.’  Cute and happy.

The Master of Latham Hall, by Kryptaria – 47,000 words, casefic, relationships, ghost story.  Awesome.

When It Rains, It Pours, by teaandjumpers – 14,000 words, John starts dating Victor Trevor and Sherlock gets bitchy and jealous.  Not sure whether you’re interested in plot-light porn, but this is engaging yet fairly fluffy ‘day in the life’ stuff with searingly hot sex scenes and great characterization.

Heartbeats and Footfalls, by alex_caligari – 8000 words.  John is dead.  Sherlock won’t stand for that.  A fantastic modern retelling of the Orpheus myth.  I’m going to spoil the final blip of a twist for you, because I don’t think you’re in a state to have your chain yanked—it’s a happy ending.

One Foot In, by fullmoonhermit – 3000 words. John is a midwife.  Sherlock is annoying.  This fic is AMAZING.  It has very little to do with relationships, or with Sherlock at all, but it’s an uplifting, life-affirming, and startlingly powerful story about life.

Under Control, by rotaryphones – 22,000 words.  Another fic with explicit sex.  John has a thing for getting hypnotized.  Sherlock has a thing for hypnotizing him.  But it’s a really amazing exploration of their psychologies and sexualities and the strange but functional relationship they forge.  Also has a sequel, Down We Go, from Sherlock’s POV and equally good.

The Spot of Art, by sc010f – 5000 words.  Once upon a time, John sat as a model for a painting.  It comes back to haunt him.  Lighthearted romp, sexy but not including much sex.  Just generally fun and engaging.

The Corners Where Roads Cross, by alizarin_nyc – 22,000 words.  It’s been a long time since I read this one, so I don’t remember exactly what’s in here, but I remember being highly impressed by the rock-solid but surprising characterization.

Sun That Burns on a Cloudy Day, by trollogicfics – 11,000 words.  Dystopian AU where Mycroft rules the world, or most of it, and Sherlock and John are rebels.  

Shadows on the Wall, by arasigyrn – 18,000 words.  John came back from Afghanistan psychic.  Happy ending.  (There’s another psychic!John fic where he dies at the end.  This is not that one.)

Push!Verse, by Lindentreeisle – 29,000 words.  A series of stories set in an AU based on the movie Push, in which Sherlock and John are both psychic.

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