



Isn’t this is a joke? I thought it was making fun of hets who demand to be included in movements against discrimination…

No, but it’s a great idea!  Let me propose some Heterosexual Awareness Month tasks:  

1: Pay attention to all the ways being heterosexual makes your life easier than than it is for someone who isn’t.

2: Pay attention to how often it’s actually anybody’s business WHAT you do with your body or who you do it with.

3: Pay attention to how much it pisses you off when someone makes inaccurate assumptions about your sexual orientation, or gets nosy about that facet of your life without being invited.

4: Consider that maybe non-heterosexuals get equally pissed off about that.

5: Count how many people around you whose sexuality you DON’T know for certain (hint: being married is not a giveaway), and consider whether and how it would change anything for you if it turned out your assumptions about any or all of those people were wrong.

6: Once you have tallied up the number of friends, relatives, and colleagues whose orientation you don’t know for certain, consider what that means for the number of people you care about who may be dealing with loneliness, hardship and persecution in their lives because of it, and whether easing their pain is important to you.

7: Reflect on how much or little of your full sexuality is truly defined by being heterosexual.  Consider enriching your life by granting some room to develop and appreciate those other aspects of your sexuality.

…I think I’ve just set myself some homework.

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