
The other’s body was divided; on one side, the body proper—skin, eyes—tender, warm; and on the other side, the voice—abrupt, reserved, subject to fits of remoteness, a voice which did not give what the body gave.  Or further: on one side, the soft, warm, downy, adorable body, and on the other, the ringing, well-formed, worldly voice—always the voice.

Sometimes an idea occurs to me: I catch myself carefully scrutinizing the loved body.  To scrutinize means to search: I am searching the other’s body, as if I wanted to see what was inside it, as if the mechanical cause of my desire were in the adverse body (I am like those children who take a clock apart in order to find out what time is).

Roland Barthes, A Lover’s Discourse

Hmmmmm, that’s gorgeous.

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