

One month and one day after I watched Sherlock I published my first Sherlock fan fiction. The two year anniversary of that was yesterday.

I resisted writing fan fiction. I told myself I wouldn’t ‘write for free.’ That fan fiction wasn’t going to change my life, make me a better writer, or earn me money.

Oh for god’s sake.

Within the first two months it had done the first and the second. Well within two years it had done the third.

But guess what?

From the first moment I started writing it, it made me happy. And guess what again? Happy changes your life, happy makes you better, and happy? Happy is worth all of it.

Just seeing this now – so, so lovely. Reasons why fandom can be utterly amazing. Look at all of us here, supporting each other, finding new things, pushing ourselves, giving to others. It’s wonderful.

Atlin is wise and eloquent.

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