

Okay, so I just came across this post:

And we know how mobius strips work but it still boggles the mind, so I thought, “OMG WHAT HAPPENS IF I MAKE A MOBIUS STRIP AND THEN START WRITING ON IT.”

So I just did.

And I wrote until I ran out of space by reaching the top of what I’d been writing.


Holy crap that is the greatest writing exercise ever. Will you post it? Or is that just way beside the point?

It’d be really hard to take a good photo.  ^_^  And I wasn’t writing anything meaningful.  It was just blather like, “So I’m halfway down the first sheet of paper now…”

It might be fun to try it as a real writing exercise, though!  If you want to try it, I suggest cutting the paper into thirds instead so that you can make a longer strip.  It’ll be easier to navigate it that way.

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