
Title: “Cypher”

Author: roane

Rating: Mature

Word Count: 2,438

Summary: When Sherlock fails to solve a case in time, John will need to be there to pick up the pieces.

Notes: This is for reapersun, who won me in the Fuck Yeah Johnlock Fanfic author giveaway, and who gave me this utterly gorgeous piece of art as my prompt. Thanks to thisprettywren, hiddenlacuna, ardatli, greywash, and breathedout for speedy and awesome beta work and for setting me straight when I got off-track.


The ground was giving way beneath John’s feet. It felt like the pavement was crumbling away in the rain. “Yeah.” His throat ached. He felt the first bit of damp seeping through his coat, which was proving less water-resistant than advertised. It was stupid of him to keep standing out here. “Um. Don’t stay out here long, all right?” Sherlock still wouldn’t look at him. “I’ll—leave you be then.” He turned to go.

“John.” Sherlock’s voice was so soft, John nearly missed it beneath the dull roar of the rain. “I’m sorry.”

So if you follow the people I follow and have somehow missed this, GO READ IT.  I just left Roane a nearly maxed-out comment raving about the wonderfulness of this story.  IT IS THE STORY I HAVE WANTED.  She may’ve written it as a gift for Reaper, but dear GOD the two of them have shared the joy around.

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