Since people often ask “Alright, well this is fantasy! Why can’t we have boob shapes in plate armor?!” I decided to make a post about it. My frustration has nothing to do with historical inaccuracy and I’m all for imagination and freedom— but I’d like to (very quickly)…
All of this. Also, on a far less vital plane than “This will kill you,” but equally practical: especially for larger-breasted women, imagine galloping on a horse (or worse, if you’ve ever ridden a horse, trotting) with your boobs bouncing all around inside unyielding metal spheres. THEY BRUISE, PEOPLE.
There’s armor out there shaped this way. But I can tell you it was 100% ceremonial For Display Purposes Only. If you’re a dude, are you inclined to have your jigglies rattling around in a metal codpiece without padding? If that doesn’t appeal to you, then don’t do it to women.
Or maybe the lady writers should have a lot more guys in chain mail jock straps. >D
Escapist, Paradise Seeker: “Why do you hate the shape of breasts in plate armor so much?”