R: What genre do you write in?
Oh dear. Well, I’ve done humor (Santa Baiting, Internet Downtime, Dupin the Parrot, Get a Room), romance (Our Day, Ordinary Day, Silver), erotica—shut up, they don’t label it ‘porn’ in the bookstores so I can totally call it erotica (Exposed, Stringplay, Dress Sense), tragic (Whipping Boy, Ten Minutes, Last Words).
…I guess you could call Cross Wired, Russian Roulette erotic thrillers? And No One’s Bitch is sort of…erotic humor I guess? Modern fantasy/sci-fi (Barrow Wight, Serviceman—yes! I treat it as a sci-fi AU setting). And then there’re sort of…generalist things like Anywhere You Go and Still Two Days Until We Say We’re Sorry.
I’d call Man Who Sold the World an adventure, or maybe a romance, with sci-fi elements.
Odalisque is…um. Some sort of horrible erotic sci-fi psychological suspense monstrosity. Possibly even psychological horror.
And then there’s Shame is Overrated. Is ‘crack’ an actual genre?
So. Short stories, mainly. 😉
V: What do you listen to when you write?
Nothing. Music distracts me when I’m writing.
X: (Leave a prompt in the person’s ask box)
Hahaha! It’s in the queue!