
It’s a good day for writing projects!  AT LAST, after much RL shenanigans and writer’s angst, a new Odalisque update appears!

Sorry about the wait, and the shortness.  But this marks the end of the prologue!  (14K in, ahaha oh god XD)  From here, the plot is going to start picking up speed pretty quickly.

Hopefully the same can be said for the authors. 😀

Married off at 17, John’s spent his adult life surviving his psychopathic demon of a husband. Jim wants John to carry his kids just as much as John doesn’t. It’s a hell of a balancing act, but John’s managing to make it work…till Jim’s new obsession, Sherlock Holmes, comes on the scene and fucks things up for everybody.

If you’re unfamiliar with Odalisque, you should be aware that it comes with trigger warnings for domestic physical, mental, and sexual abuse, sexual slavery, abortion, and rape.  Also, it’s not omegaverse, but it is mpreg.

On the other hand, it does have WHUMP FOR ALL (particularly John), John being a BAMF despite whumpage, Molly and Mike getting their awesome on, social world-building, gender issues, and porn that forwards the plot.  And once Sherlock comes into the picture, there will also be mindfuckery, manipulative genius!games, and more whump.

If you want to read from the beginning:

Chapter 1 on AO3

Chapter 1 on LJ

Reblogging for the night crowd.

BBC Sherlock fic: Odalisque is updated!

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