
Sebastian Moran, ladies and gentleman.

(*watches the followers ragequit*)

His father was an ambassador.  He attended some of the best schools in the world.  He spoke multiple languages.  He had two (or was it three?) books published.  He was a world-famous hunter, and a hero to the people of India for defending their villages and livestock from tigers.  He was a decorated Colonel in the British Army, responsible for leading not just a team but quite possibly an entire brigade.  He was one of the leaders of Moriarty’s criminal organization.

ACD’s Moran isn’t a scarred and battered sniper.  He’s a high-powered business executive who can kill you in 15 different ways if you piss him off.

Not, I should clarify, that I have any arguments against scarred and battered sniper!Moran.  I mean, that is darn hot.

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