
I don’t really know how to advise you since this is very broad, but I’m providing you with some links.


Link 1

Link 2

Link 3 (yay, castles!)


Link 1

Link 2

Link 3 (Wattpad “forum”)

Link 4

Hope it helps!


Oh god, I’m such a useless lump.  *clutches at head*  I hate my brain. ;_;  I have this medieval thing that was supposed to be a thinly veiled excuse for historical porn, but I can’t finish it because every time I try to work on it, it wants more scenes, and now I’ve read these and John’s developing a back story, because serfs didn’t do what I have him doing but how much cooler would it be if he were a foreign slave, maybe a captive warrior up from Al Andalus and obviously all the sex scenes need some baddass scenes to go with them for personal context and maybe some plunking around the town for more historical context and NO NO I CAN’T WRITE LONG FICTION, BRAIN, HOW MANY TIMES DO WE NEED TO LEARN THIS PAINFUL FACT.


The links are pretty useful, though, if you’re writing in a medieval setting.


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