Otter and Tea are two (of the many, we’re sure) members of the Sherlock fandom who consider themselves to be in the grey-area of asexuality. Being grey and being in an environment that is full of awesome, sexy, smutty fanworks, it may beg the question (and in some cases, has done) why we’re even here if we’re asexual. Surely we can’t get any enjoyment out of these fanworks, right?
Wrong. This is a little meta post written by the two of us that explains why – and how – we’re still able to enjoy explicit fanworks despite being on the asexuality end of the sexuality spectrum. Perhaps many of these feelings are feelings you yourselves share. Perhaps this will provide insight to how people who don’t necessarily consider themselves sexual can still enjoy fics that feature heavy sexual undertones or even explicit sex scenes. Mostly, we just thought it was interesting, and maybe you will, too.
Some wonderful thoughts from teahigh and otterondeck about asexuality and fandom. Sexuality (or the lack thereof) is such a personal topic; thanks to both of you for being so open and giving about sharing your thoughts and experiences!