




I KNOW.  I’M TRYING.  But wouldn’t it be cool?

I always liked those stories where two sentient species couldn’t really communicate and had to, like, resort to charades and stuff to talk.  What if he found batJohn in Baskerville while investigating the hound thing and then John got out and hid in his coat but then they wanted batJohn back because OMG BATS CAN CARRY VIRUSES WITHOUT BEING INFECTED.  THEY WERE TRYING TO GENETICALLY ENGINEER A TINY ASSASSIN.  And now they want batJohn back and Sherlock KNOWS TOO MUCH and—


Oh my god. Oh my godohmygodohmygod. And the tragic thing is that John is sort of Sherlock’s first friend and he seems to listen. Sherlock talks to him more than his skull and the little bat seems to respond to his comments with sarcasm. He seems highly intelligent for a bat, even flapping at Sherlock’s nose to get him to eat. And at first, Sherlock is all “ppfft, I’ll just leave this bat here and let Mrs. Hudson take care of it” but then he starts carrying around pieces of fruit and dead bugs to feed to Bat!John, and Bat!John always clings to his coat and curls up in Sherlock’s hair to sleep and Bat!John flies into the faces of people who try to hurt his human and they’re awesome crime buddies.

And so when those people try to take Bat!John back, Sherlock doesn’t let them. He gets paranoid and makes sure John is at his side at all times but then there’s a murder and the chase and suddenly—

John isn’t there under Sherlock’s coat. John isn’t anywhere.

Sherlock searches and he searches and… he can’t find him.

“They took him,” Sherlock realizes.

Heaven help the Baskerville institute when Sherlock comes in.

(((You really don’t want to know what happens to John))))

(((((((((((I’m so sorry I hijacked your post but I have so many FEELS from your ideas sdlkfjsodfj))))))

NO NO NO I APPROVE OF THIS HIJACKING ENTIRELY.  I want to say more intelligent things but currently I’m a pile of mush from imagining itty-bitty bat!John tucked into the collar of Sherlock’s coat.

(And I am absolutely dying to know what happens to Bat!John.  Oh, all the heart-wrenching possibilities!)

Horrible things happen to John because of SCIENCE and now I want to write this (head desk)

Aw yes  I mean, no, I mean.   FUCK YES.

I am thinking about the point at which Sherlock deduces that the fluttery little guy is indeed sentient.  Sherlock’s first friend, with his uncannily timed squeakings and angry flapping at Sherlock’s toast and the way he flies over and crawls in under the cup of Sherlock’s hand to be petted…  It wouldn’t take TOO long before Sherlock began to put two and two together and assembled a small battery of tests to ascertain that the little bat could indeed reason.

And then, oh then, such fast friends!  John could perch on the arm of the chair while Sherlock talks to him about cases.  Sherlock could teach him to read, and take John out to the park in the evenings to fly and catch bugs, and play the violin while John sings along (he has a special recorder set up to catch ultrasonic frequencies so that he can play it back and hear John’s little bat voice).  I wonder how many times bat!John has saved his life, gnawing through ropes or sneaking off to retrieve a paperclip to pick a lock with.

Oh bat!John.  Can Sherlock save you in time?!

*is not ashamed of herself in the least*

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