



From Urban London to the Ends of the Earth: shestval: moonblossom: stickingupforsammy: “this fic is literally…




“this fic is literally perfe-“


Ahahaha so this JUST happened to me. I was reading a really promising fic, really getting into it, and then wham. Cum. Cum cum cum. Seventeen fucking times in a row, I swear.

Totally killed it…

It is definitely a dirty word, but so are “dick” and “fuck” and “slut.” I roll my eyes whenever I see it spelled “come.” XD It feels oldfashioned in porn, I guess.

I didn’t say I had anything against dirty words though. I said it felt juvenile to me, not dirty. I write fisting porn, for god’s sake. It’s not a matter of dirty. To me, it feels like the writer feels as though proper term is too “icky” so people have to resort to a cutesy spelling.

But I guess it’s one of those “your mileage may vary” things. I just feel like nine times out of ten when I come across it in porn, it feels like it was written by someone who has never even seen a penis, let alone interacted with one.

Definitely YMMV. XD I use it all the time when I write porn.

What about words like “cumshot” and “precum” then? That’s how these things are labeled in commercial porn.

Those both make me cringe too XD. I use pre-come.

I don’t generally read commercial porn. I’m glad now, tbh.

Anyway this is getting a bit silly, and cluttering up our dashes XD There’s no way I’m going to change my mind on this, and judging by the reblogs it might be a fandom-specific thing, because every single other person who’s reposted it from me seems to agree with my view, and clearly the OP did as well. XD

*enthusiastically perpetuates the nonsense*  Nah, the Sherlock fandom is more into grammar than the average, but I’ve seen this debate elsewhere—wherever people on the internet gather to write and discuss smutty fiction.  ^_^

My understanding was that ‘cum’ = semen and ‘come’ = to orgasm.  I prefer ‘come,’ myself, at least for the latter.  I associate ‘cum’ with trashy pornos and text-speak.  I can’t help but think of it as bad spelling. 😀

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