
Not so long ago I was fairly deadset against Omegaverse fics. The main issue for me was/is the mpreg; it’s not squicky or morally-chaffing, it’s just something I wasn’t all that into. I can’t really picture a pregnant male waddling around (and eeew, birthing male anatomy lessons and body mechanics) and it just seems a bit off, so I wasn’t interested in reading it. 

I suppose I should have known that, just like my progression into any other specific trope that I initially don’t like the sound of, I’d come around eventually. It was bound to happen. Apparently I’m quite pliant if you give me the right author.

My opinion wavered when PrettyArbitrary posted this fic. And since PA could pretty much write a fictionalized version of the phone book and I’d read it, I opened my mind and gave it a whirl. (plus, Soldier!John, come on)

And I loved it.

And then the door opened. Then this happened. And this. And this.

I’m sorry but… HOT DAMN. For some reason the whole hormonal take-over is pushing my kink buttons. The heats and the uncontrollable urges and the scenting and the pair bonding and the holy-shit-best-sex-I-ever-had. I even love the damn knotting.

I’m not going to get into the heavy themes of female marginalization, body ownership, rape undertones, caste restrictions, etc. I know they’re there, but so far I haven’t been bothered by it. And actually, reading some of the social and psychological peeks into how this sort of universe works has been intriguing. I’m not one to take too much of a stand on it anyway, because, well, it’s all fiction and full of ridiculousness so what’s the point of getting all hopped up?

For now, I’ll still stand by my aversion to actually reading a male pregnancy go to term and result in a child (until I read something that changes my mind, I’m sure). 

If you’re sitting there thinking ‘what the hell is the deal with Omegaverse’, read this or this. I found them quite helpful.

And if you’re sitting there thinking of a good fic recommendation for someone fairly new to this whole thing, well then for god sakes send it to me please and thank you.


See, people say this to me and I think, “I want to write a blazingly hot sex-laden omegaverse mpreg fic.”  It would be full of fluffy romantic pregnancy schmoop and body worship and bonding over expanding families and the ridiculous things that happen during pregnancy.

Unfortunately I’m handicapped by the fact that I can’t stop thinking ahead.  Preggers means somebody’s going to have a kid.  …Sherlock and John having a kid?  Seriously, Jesus, no.

Maybe it’s time to break into Mycroft/Lestrade or John/Lestrade…

(OH MY GAWD can you imagine how adorable John and Lestrade with kiddies would be?!)

Also, Science: you are too good to me, you inveterate flatterer.  <3<3<3

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