

Title: Well, That Bites
Fandom: Sherlock
Pairing/Characters: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Jim Moriarty
Rating (for entire story): Mature
Word count: 2114
Warnings/tags: Crackity-crack, Vampires, Moriarty being a nutjob, and a selkie. Oh, er, and character dusting.
Jim’s brain burst into a white, consumptive flame. They were kissing. His Sherlock and that bottom-dreg, half-human, furry-arsed, sea-slug were locking lips in the middle of the club, and it was too much to bear.

Jim Moriarty’s terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad, Friday night. Because some prompts are just too ridiculous to let go.

Notes: Done for this episode of Chuck Wendig’s Flash Fiction Challenge. If you’re feeling the urge, take a guess which of the prompt combinations I rolled up. Thanks to Roane for the lightning-quick beta!
Find it here on AO3.

Need a giggle this morning? Go on. 🙂 

Of course, now after betaing it, my brain REALLY wants to do something with scary vengeful selkie!John. 

But this is the fun version. 🙂

Yessssssssssss.  In my head?  That’s not Sherlock at all.  That’s selkie!John using his fairy illusions.  Because Rule is You don’t fuck with fairies.

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