

Lame sketch and some info for people who follow my comic Enthrall (… any of you out there?)

Okay, so recently I’ve been doing a rethink of how Enthrall is presenting itself to readers. In my eagerness to get the story going way back in 2011 (first time comic author problems 8D), I cut out a lot of little stories that explain more about the world the characters live in.

There’s been several incidences of confusion in the comic when I assume people know things that they don’t ^_^; A problem with knowing your world a little too well, it’s difficult to read it as someone who knows nothing about what going’s on.

(Read More at the site. Minor spoilers!)

Any thoughts?

Ok, now that I’ve found deux’s secret artist identity, I am such a Scarrow fangirl.

Oh god, I know.  I mainlined this last week and promptly fell in love.

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