

The final count of all the winning bids is in, and you guys—writers and bidders both—are ASTOUNDING!

The final total of all the winning bids is—

are you ready for this?


Emails with winning bidders and bid amounts will go out to the authors tomorrow, who will then contact their winning bidders directly.


Guys.  This is ONE QUARTER of the OTW’s projected budget for the year. This is money that not only supports AO3 but fights for the rights of writers and fanworks to exist.  YOU GUYS.  YOU’VE ALL DONE SOMETHING AMAZING.  I WANT TO SMOOCH YOU ALL.  (In a totally platonic, non-invasive way, that is.)

(And while I’m at it, did you folks know that the OTW has a Tumblr?  You can find it at transformativeworks.)

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