

Hi guys I’m obsessed with this shit lately because I don’t want anyone to have unhappy, unsupported boobs like I did. Even if you think your boobs and bras are fine, try it. It will make a big difference in comfort, support, and shape, even if you have…

Ugh.  Fuck women’s clothes and everyone who makes them.  I have tried every goddamned thing between a 36B and a 32D (which this claims I am, and I’ve heard it before) and nothing fucking fits.  36 is too big, 32 compresses my breathing.  D ranges from gaping to ‘Well, I wouldn’t have to carry a purse,’ C never fits ever, and B I can only wear in a demi.

And not wearing a bra hurts after a day, thanks, so fuck everything, basically.  I just want to find the nearest underwear store and set it on fire.

*snarls and stalks off*

But y’know I hope this works for you.  SOMEBODY ought to get some good out of the thing, and the author put a lot of work in.  Probably it’s useful to people who don’t own their own personal entropy fields.

Oh hey.: DO IT NOW: Guide to Proper Bra Fit and Measuring because Victoria Secret and La Senza and whatever are full of shit and…

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