roane72 replied to your post: Reposting in case anybody wants another shot, since I have so many.

You know what I want. 🙂 Sherlock-Serviceman Heats.doc

sublim8 asked prettyarbitrary:

I cannot believe nobody has asked for “Serviceman Heats”. What is WRONG with you people?

Well, sublim8, as you can see, they have. ^_^  Greencarnations asked for it here, but what the hell, for you guys, I’ll share a teaser.

(Trigger warning: they’re both 15 in this.)

There was a certain mystery to the shadows backstage that John had always liked.  It’d always felt like a place where hidden things happened, and that was…sexy, yeah.  It was sexy.  Also private; even if somebody stuck their nose in, they wouldn’t see anything from the doors.

Giddiness hit him out of nowhere with a sudden bout of the shakes.  His suit felt strangely uncomfortable, like it’d shrunk on him without his noticing.  He tossed his jacket at a chair and giggled.  “I think somebody spiked the punch.”

“I think they might’ve.”  His own smile a bit giddy, Leon pulled off his tie with a couple of impatient jerks, and then leaned back against a table to tug John close between his legs.  John went readily, liking the way Leon’s arm slipped around his waist.  His other hand cupped John’s face to tip his head up, fingers toying softly behind his ear.  “You ever kiss anyone before?” Leon asked with a sly smile that was half flirt, half ‘older alpha boy.’

John smirked at him, savouring the chance to disabuse him of that second one.  “More girls than you have.”  He watched with a certain amount of glee as Leon’s face pinched, suspicious that John was taking the piss, and then darkened with jealousy.  John looked up through his lashes.  “But I haven’t snogged a guy.”

Leon’s hazel eyes flashed at the challenge.  John let his eyes slide closed, feeling like he was welcoming the sun as Leon’s warmth bent nearer, breath on John’s face…and there, soft lips brushing his, a static electric spark of sensation that jumped between them and ignited in John’s body till he could feel it tingling in his fingertips.  John jerked back, startled.  It hadn’t been like that before.  Leon exhaled hard, once, and then dove back in to kiss him breathless.

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