dashcommaslash asked prettyarbitrary:

writing prompt: john/moran. maybe what would have happened after that hot boxing scene in odalisque, if moran weren’t scared of jim.

You actually have NO IDEA how hard we tried to fit porn in there (it was, in fact, the reason that chapter wasn’t done a month or so earlier), but in the end, it just wasn’t meant to be.  This bit is actually mostly made up of the text we ended up cutting, so you can see what might have been:

John pants against the weight on his chest, obediently motionless under sudden pressure at his neck and dominant wrist.  Moran’s chest glints with sweat, and his thighs are warm and tight against John’s ribs.  “If you don’t fight to kill,” Sebastian says, one big hand positioned dangerously on John’s throat, “you don’t deserve to live.” His grip on John’s wrist tightens in emphasis till the bones creak.

John clusters his free fingers into a point and jabs into the soft tissue under Sebastian’s ribs, then pulls him down by the hair and kisses him deep and fierce, rolling them over when he feels the slight slack of tension that heralds an opening. With their positions reversed, his hand now on Sebastian’s throat, he says silkily, “I take your point.”

Sebastian lets his arms fall wide and laughs breathily.

John blames the shoulders.  Moran has the trapezius muscles of a jaguar.  It’s easy to imagine him prowling along a tree limb in pursuit of his prey, especially when he finds his rhythm between John’s legs and it’s all John can do to hang on and breathe.

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