dirtycorzaharkness asked prettyarbitrary:

Hi there! This is your friendly neighborhood illithid!sherlock writer, just popping in to say hello~ Well, not just to say hello, but I did want to start out with that. I was wondering what you thought of it, since you showed an interest on Random’s page. Not many people have left comments, so I’m curious to hear how other people feel about it.

Illithid!Sherlock writer! ^_^  I’ve seen you around here and there, actually, Corza.  I am always pleased when you turn up in my ask box or on a reblog or something.

I SHOULD have left a comment on Illithid!Sherlock!  I was not sure what to say at the time; I was parsing my feelings on it.  (Incidentally, for a set of such short little stories, they produced a startlingly powerful response.  At least from me.  I really grooved on that.)

But 1: It’s a blast from the past!  I am a D&D gamer of old, and the Mind-flayers are a favorite old baddie of mine. 2: It is charmingly weird and creepy!  It’s off-putting in a very appropriate way—I mean, illithid!—and the little hints of world-building you’ve left in the stories have me very curious!  (I’m one of those subscribers in your subscriber count on the series.)  I mourn Sherlock’s lovely fluffy hair along with John, but it’s refreshingly cool and different, and kind of walks a line for me between nostalgically crackalicious and maybe some pretty badass urban fantasy. 🙂

Oh, and you did a thing that writers seldom accomplish, which is make me fear for the characters!  In general, in fanfic, your favorite characters are USUALLY not going to die.  But in a scenario like the one you’ve established, dying is not the worst thing that can happen.  So I’m kind of on tenterhooks with where you might go with this, how serious you might get, how deep into the world, etc.  There are so many ways you could take it, it’s wonderful!

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