So, somebody said this:
When there’s a popular group of people in a fandom and you want to say hi and make friends with them but they’re all so chummy with each other that you just end up feeling like a homeless kid that’s watching a family have a nice big meal together through the window.
my life
And I thought, “Gosh, that does suck. I’ve been there.”
So. I dunno that I count as one of the ‘cool kids,’ but I do know there’re a bunch of you out there who feel shy or don’t know how to approach and say hi. So just hit my ask/submit boxes with a message, or reblog this with your own thoughts added, and I’ll talk back. ^_^
(If you send me an ask or submit, can you do me a favor and let me know whether you want it published or not? I’ve got no problems with either private or public convo, but I don’t want to inadvertently embarrass anybody.)
Oh, have an extra question mark so you can reply here if you want to?