




Hey all! For August/September, Let’s draw Sherlock’s challenge is Draw Sherlock Holmes in your favorite scene from a film/tv show/anime!

Ends: September 15th!

Your challenge is to choose a scene from any film, television show, or anime and redraw it, either with Sherlock characters in place of the other characters, or Sherlock arriving to interrupt the scene. You can choose anything that qualifies as a film, short film, television show, cartoon, anime film or show, etc. Shows that only play on the web, or other odd situations, will be judged case by case, so please write and ask us if your idea qualifies before beginning. What doesn’t count: games, books, comics, manga, radio shows, etc. If you’re doing, say, a book that has a film version, use the film version, not the book version, for reference.A

When you post your entry, please post the name of the film and link to the IMDB, and a little explanation of the scene, for those of us who may have not seen it. Feel free to rewrite the scene dialogue a little to make it more Sherlock-y.

-Entries using the same scene are fine; however if you notice someone has already done the scene you were thinking about doing, and you haven’t started yet, consider choosing something else for the sake of variety.

-You can include any pairing, any rating, any version of Sherlock. If your artwork is explicit it’d be appreciated if you could put it under a preview or read more. We’re very flexible on content.

-You can submit art (drawn/painted/etc), graphics/photo manips, cosplay, photography, or crafts. Photo manips should alter at least 50% of the original image to qualify (meaning you can’t just paste a face onto a screencap of your screen). If your image happens to have fic attached to it, that’s great, but we will not be accepting purely fic submissions this time around.

-We aren’t critical of quality! Whether you choose to push yourself and make something elaborate, or only have an hour or so and just want to participate, we love everything we get! Also, don’t put your work down in your comments!

-Please create new art! We feel it’s missing the point of the challenges to accept old works.

-Limit of submissions: max 2.

-How to submit: post it to your blog. Tag it “letsdrawsherlock” within the first five tags (you must do this when you post; if you edit in the tag later it generally doesn’t appear under the tag listing). You can also send us your post ID via askbox.


A reminder about our buddy group: Let’s Write Sherlock!!! This group is run by a different set of people, so the challenges will not be the same, but they update much more often than we do! Feel free to enter both!

#let’s do it #let’s do it #let’s do it #let’s do it #let’s do it now

Oooooooooo,this one looks COOL.

All right, who’s gonna do a scene from Casablanca? I NEED THIS.

“Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world. He had to walk into mine.”

(I think I’m starting to talk myself into a Sherlock/Casablanca AU. HELP!)

As an interesting note, I was just singing As Time Goes By to test my audio for the roundtable. ^_^

My problem with Casablanca is that I can’t imagine either of them as Ilsa.  Maybe one of them is Rick and one of them is Captain Renault…

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