
Do I have Sherlock-Cthulhu fics?  Heheheh, do I ever.

First, the story that kicked it all off!  If you, by some bizarre chance, have never managed to read Neil Gaiman’s Sherlock Holmes-in-a-Lovecraftian world pastiche, “A Study in Emerald,” well there is the link.  PDF, totally legit and legal, offered for free on his website.

Second, if you didn’t know about the short story anthology, Shadows over Baker Street, well, now you do.

Now, on to the recs!  This is, in fact, not just a recs list, but actually a pretty much complete list of ALL the BBC Sherlock-Lovecraft fic I know of.  If you know of any that aren’t on here, please drop me a line!  I collect it.  I’m sure there must be some I’ve missed!

A Study in Midnight, by M_Leigh:

On AO3.  This is actually ACD Holmes, but it’s a long, fantastic, satisfying read that I had to throw up here anyway.  A fanfic sequel to Gaiman’s “A Study in Emerald.”  And while Holmes and Watson are not the BBC’s Holmes and Watson, there is a familiar taste there.

Memories and Possibilities, by anonymous:

BBC Sherlock/A Study in Emerald fusion.  This one’s a short fill on the kink meme, but it’s lovely and features Lestrade in the POV role.  I’m putting this one first in the order, because it’s short and a quick read, and if you aren’t sure what all this is about, it’s a beautiful way to get a rapid introduction to the setting and atmosphere of it all. 

Brightly Burning, by anonymous: 

BBC Sherlock/A Study in Emerald fusion.  Another short fill on the kink meme, this is beautiful and haunting, and gives you a great look at what Sherlock and John might be in such a world.

The Queen’s Guard, by lavvyan: 

BBC Sherlock/A Study in Emerald/classic Lovecraft fusion.  Hnnnnnnnnnnnng, this was the first BBC Sherlock-Cthulhu adaptation that I encountered, and it made me go !!!!!!!! because how had I not thought of this before?!  And then immediately go hunting for more.  For those of you who are connoisseurs of weird fiction, this draws not only from Gaiman’s “A Study in Emerald,” but also from Robert E. Howard’s classic weird tale, “Old Garfield’s Heart.”  If you don’t know what that is, then never mind, you’re just in for a treat.  If I could somehow crawl into lavvyan’s head and convince her to turn this into a full-on novel, I would do it in a heartbeat.

Never Look Back, by thedeadparrot: 

BBC Sherlock/A Study in Emerald fusion.  This is a BBC Sherlock adaptation/sequel for “A Study in Emerald,” and it is something to sink your teeth into.  Mmmmm.  Our boys aren’t quite right in the head, here, as well befits those who hunt Lovecraft’s horrors.  Sexy and twisted.  

The Whitechapel Case, by Merlin Missy:

Unspecific Holmes version/A Study in Emerald fusion.  A cool, cool, cool little drabble.

Polaris, by sevenses:

BBC Sherlock/A Study in Emerald fusion.  Irene-centric, the story of how she became a member of the Resistance.  Creepy non-con themes in this one, but nothing actually happens, and it’s marvellous.

A Shadow over Brixton, by GloriaMundi:

ACD Holmes/A Study in Emerald.  Here we have a little curiosity:  a Shoggoth attack used as an excuse for a hurt/comfort fic!  If you’ve read Lovecraft, that’s some hysterical stuff, right there.  But it’s cute, and a bit sexy.

Strange Aeons, by shiny_n_new:

BBC Sherlock/Lovecraft fusion.  This one is straight-up Lovecraft, in which an Outer God moseys onto the scene and Sherlock courts madness.

The Reichenbach Ballad, by Cheryl_Lyn_Bentley:

BBC Sherlock/Lovecraft fusion.  Haven’t read this one—it’s a WIP that seems to have stopped updating in March, and I didn’t want to know the pain if it turned out to be excellent but abandoned—but included for the sake of completeness.

something’s gone terribly wrong, by flags:

BBC Sherlock/Lovecraft fusion.  Ooo!  This one is new!  This one is pure unadulterated Lovecraft-style, so there’s a pit, weird inscriptions, major character death and insanity.   Watch out for that.  But it’s not tear-jerker/angst style character death and insanity.  More of short-form horror-style.

Aphelion, by marlowe_tops:

BBC Sherlock/A Study in Emerald fusion.  A short story that blew up into a long one. The first bit is tightly written and interesting (warning: non-con tentacle sex!). The rest of it, sadly, isn’t as great since it was added on later, but it’s an interesting story with a lot of potential (and tentacle-sex). 

And there you have it!  Those are the stories I know of for BBC Sherlock.  There are a few more to be found in ACD Holmes fandom.  One probably worth noting (I just discovered this one!) is Black Shuck, by Aquila—a Lovecraftian retelling of Hound of the Baskervilles (  If that was written with any skill, it’s probably pretty awesome.

If you know of any other Holmes-Lovecraft fanfics, share with me, would you?

Bringing this one back, because I’ve got two more to add!

Untitled, by etothepii:

This one is hosted only on Dreamwidth, not AO3, probably because of the spectacularly alarming tentacular content.  These are horror tentacles, not sexy tentacles, so be warned.  Sherlock is a nonhuman…thing-guy, and John wants to make him happy, so he agrees to what turns out to be more than he can handle.

Bending Time with Death, by ykyapril:

This one instantly became one of my favorite Sherlock/Lovecraft fusions.  Joan Watson is on the run from the hounds of Tindalos.  It’s as clever a tweak of Lovecraft as it is a clever tweak of Hound of the Baskervilles and Speckled Band. 

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