
john is the desert. he is bright and warm and sparse but not in a way that feels barren, in a way that feels simple but that you know is hiding depths, worlds under the flat nothing. he is a struggle for survival, just the desert and its denizens locked in a constant battle that started before time and will continue on after it, that has no banners or songs or support. a war that has never been known, or unknown. he is the violence underneath the stillness and silence, the violence of time and heat and scorching sun, which does not have to try, which will dominate you by simply being and being and being. and then the respite of the night. john is a flat expanse under the widest sky and where he is rough and harsh is worth it for the quiet and the dazzling stars, light you can’t believe unless you see it. a blazing sun which shows no pity or remorse and a cool quiet stillness that repairs you, if you just wait.

This is so beautiful.  Hollydiggity, folks. <3

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