
I don’t think you’re that guy, at least not in any bad way. I just wanted you to know you’re not alone in wondering and I’ve been told that self promotion is a-ok. I’m just super awkward!

Eh, I think it’s more a daily life vs. the necessities of marketing thing.  I don’t know whether this is a thing that’s different between boys and girls (and would be interested to hear perspectives on that), but in most social groups I’ve seen, I’ve always seen a strong pressure against arrogance and self-aggrandizement—to the extent that even showing pride or satisfaction in your own accomplishments, or speaking up about your own part in a group project, is considered ‘egotistical.’  In some cases, I’ve seen people get lambasted simply for expressing the belief that they did a good job on something.

Whereas when you are trying to sell something—whether it’s a product, a novel, or your own skills as an employee in order to get hired—of course the whole aim is to say, “I did this, I think it’s pretty awesome, and I think it’s worth your attention.”  Which, when you’re not used to even being allowed to think that you did a good job on something, seems like a whole freakish alien planet of behavioral patterns.  

Personally, I believe that the culture of hyper-modesty is so toxic and mutiliating that I consider it a public service whenever somebody has the gumption to stand up and say, “Here’s a thing I did, and I think it’s worth showing you.”

It’s pronounced “Brahhhn”: corpsereviver2 replied to your post: bluesrat replied to your post…

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