I hate that I have to put this scene behind a link, because it’s drop-dead gorgeous and also HOLY FUCK but also it’s SPOILERY AS HELL. (The Sign of Three)
Look at the candles. The romantic coloring. The FRAMING. All of them, cast in this romantic light. All of them, in the shot. John and Mary, dancing to Sherlock’s music. They might be the ones dancing, but he is in that music with them, wrapping them up and holding them in its arms. All of them, involved, connected, sharing this moment of romance together. And not just a moment. Sherlock wrote them a piece of music. That is THEIR music, from him, and he gives it to them as a gift, to last between them forever.
Look at the SMILE on his face.
To HELL with their insistence that there’s no such thing as Johnlock. To HELL with their declarations that there’s nothing between them, that they’re just friends. This says EVERYTHING. Over and over again this episode says it. They may be friends, but there’s no ‘just’ about it. There is passion and romance in their friendship, a wild bond easily equal to the one John and Mary share.
Sherlock’s vow. He just fucking married them. Didn’t need a ceremony or a priest to preside over it. He just swore himself into that relationship, bound himself to them the same as they did a few hours ago.
And Mary is fine with it. She’s not just fine with it. She’s ecstatic. She welcomes him in. Just a moment after this, the three of them will share the most intimate, powerful revelation that a couple (or threesome) can have. ”Don’t panic!” ”No, YOU don’t panic!” All THREE of them are panicking, because if Mary is pregnant, THEY’RE ALL PREGNANT.
People are crying because he walks out alone at the end, and they think he’s sad and lonely and left out in the cold, but HAHA NO FUCK THAT. Look, I understand the fear of losing a dear friend to marriage. I’ve been the best friend. And yes, it is a legitimate fear. You wonder if things will change. And sometimes they do. But sometimes they don’t.
And sometimes they do but you’re still there a few years later, staying over for a night and rocking their baby to sleep with her tiny fingers tangled in your hair so your loved ones can catch up on their rest.
And then LOOK AT THE TENSION between him and John and Mary when he advises them to go dance. How much they don’t want to step away from him, how close they are to just grabbing him and doing a turn around the dance floor. That joke they all share around about it is not just a joke; it’s what just went through all their heads at the same time. And you know what? If they weren’t about to go dance in order to avoid attention, who knows if they wouldn’t have done it. It’s a modern dance song; three people getting down together wouldn’t even be all that exceptional.