

Okay, I’ve got another big meta I want to write, but first I realized I need to write this one.

It’s kind of a public service, actually.  Some of us are dropping meta all over the place, while other swathes of the fandom are going, “SOMEBODY PLEASE EXPLAIN TO ME HOW YOU ARE SEEING ANY SENSE IN THIS?” 

I am here to tell you that you’re not insane.  Some of it doesn’t make sense.

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Okay, makes sense. But what if you didn’t get lost by certain episodes or find bits of text to be throw away? I think messy and not making sense are two different things that can be mistaken for one another sometimes.

Couldn’t it be just as plausible that, in the same way it’s up to viewers to receive episodes their own way, a viewer could also see information others don’t like or feel makes no sense and be perfectly fine with it?

Absolutely that’s possible!  And it’s one of the reasons that an analytical dialogue about the text can be so valuable.

Just because one person doesn’t see how an element of the narrative makes sense doesn’t necessarily mean there’s no sense to be made of it.  So sometime, if you read somebody else’s analysis you may find them laying things out that you missed.

Then again, it’s also possible to be an uncritical consumer of media.  Some people are perfectly happy to watch the show without asking themselves too many questions about whether it really holds up if you think about it harder.  And that’s an okay way to enjoy a story too.

Somebody else mentioned in a reblog that it isn’t necessary for everything to make sense yet, and that is true as well.  As I said above, we don’t know yet if we have the full story on Mary.  Next season could still introduce new information that makes things come together.

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