Hmmmmm, I’m not sure if I know of anything specifically like that—BUT WHAT A GREAT IDEA FOR A STORY omg. *makes a note*

Roughly along those lines, though, these might fit?

Misanthropyray’s ‘Holly Hands Cling’ series: (warning: character death)

Velvet-mace’s ‘The Proposition’/’Slow, Sweet Surrender

And for a somewhat less grimdark but still fucked-up version, there’s wordstrings’ Paradox Suite.  Probably a bunch of people following me just gasped in shock, but I’ve always found wordstrings’ Sherlock to be fairly abusive.  Sometimes the hurts he deals John are accidental, but sometimes they’re quite deliberate, even if he seems to regret them later. And while that John is willing to deal with it as part of their relationship, he bleeds for it on a pretty regular basis.

I know a bunch more where Sherlock is flat-out EVIL (Loss of Flesh and Soul, angelblack3’s Training John Watson).  But that’s not really the same thing.

Other folks: do you have recs for this anon?  

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